Friday, April 9, 2010

Those Last Damn Five Pounds

If I lose five pounds....

I'll still have another five to lose, won't I?

It's almost prom time! I have yet to find a dress as I have one of those body types that aren't just petite, top heavy, pear-shaped, tall, skinny, "curvy". No, no, you see Seventeen my body has more than one dimension.

But I don't want to shop for a dress until I lose five pounds.

I'm thinking this and then I start wondering why am I thinking this. I have a healthy bodyweight. I'm not some waif. My belly is soft and my breasts are....well, the term here is legendary. I have some cellulite on my thighs but I wear size-4 jeans so I'm not by any standard fat.

Yet I look in the mirror and grab my stomach fat with both hands and angrily shake it. I have a skirt that is a size or two too small and keep it in my closet in hopes that one day I can wriggle it on. I'm envious of those supermodels who are too-skinny and who I know aren't healthy. But I want to be them.

So I keep on hoping I'll lose five pounds.

Thing is, I could be five pounds skinnier and then I would want to lose another five. And another five. And another.

When does it stop?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Stabbing (Ourselves) In The Back

I really hate Facebook sometimes. I hate being able to see people's core in lists of interests, activities, fan pages and groups.

Some groups are really amusing. I for one am glad I am a member of "The Doctor and The Master Have Sexual Tension" and "Rubber Ducky Jr." But Facebook groups like "Girls Who Aren't Cheap Sluts" or fan pages of "Boys who don't date skanks" and the ilk make me slightly nauseous and very upset.

Why do we judge people based on how much sex they've had? Or better yet - why do we judge someone based on how much sex we think they've had? I never thought sex was special, in a good way or a bad way. I believe in safe sex, and I believe in sex education that isn't heteronormative. To me, if sex is consensual (more on this later), safe I don't see what the fuss is about.

If you're a female than you're probably either a "virgin" or a "whore". No in betweens. Gotta be like a virgin, touched for the very first time every time you have sex otherwise you're a worthless skank! And girs are falling over themselves to try to label themselves as "good girls". They do this by trying to cast other females as "bad girls". It's a race for the almighty approval of the penis!