Friday, April 9, 2010

Those Last Damn Five Pounds

If I lose five pounds....

I'll still have another five to lose, won't I?

It's almost prom time! I have yet to find a dress as I have one of those body types that aren't just petite, top heavy, pear-shaped, tall, skinny, "curvy". No, no, you see Seventeen my body has more than one dimension.

But I don't want to shop for a dress until I lose five pounds.

I'm thinking this and then I start wondering why am I thinking this. I have a healthy bodyweight. I'm not some waif. My belly is soft and my breasts are....well, the term here is legendary. I have some cellulite on my thighs but I wear size-4 jeans so I'm not by any standard fat.

Yet I look in the mirror and grab my stomach fat with both hands and angrily shake it. I have a skirt that is a size or two too small and keep it in my closet in hopes that one day I can wriggle it on. I'm envious of those supermodels who are too-skinny and who I know aren't healthy. But I want to be them.

So I keep on hoping I'll lose five pounds.

Thing is, I could be five pounds skinnier and then I would want to lose another five. And another five. And another.

When does it stop?